Monthly Archives: January 2017

Days 24 & 25 cont’d-💯 days of JOY


So, my point is that I try to surround myself with reminders that will point me in the direction of finding joy. There are days that are still pretty tough, and I’m not sure I would climb out of the low places on many days if I didn’t have all the sign posts of joy around me to re-focus my perspective.


Yesterday was sort of one of those low days. It was a typical Monday, but added to it was the fact that I traveled over the weekend. That always puts me a bit behind. Hence, I not only couldn’t get my “normal” accomplished yesterday but I didn’t get caught up either. Yet, by days end, I had prevented myself from falling into a “pit of despair ” 😱 by making conscious choices to purposefully focus on the good, plus (and most important) I prayed a lot (let’s be real, without Jesus, I wouldn’t be able to find the will to look for joy because my main reason for any good in life is God).

💯days of JOY -days 24 & 25


So, technically I missed posting yesterday. I went to bed on time
and forgot to write.

However, I did think about writing yesterday. I took a couple of pictures that show how I try to turn my thoughts toward joy each day. 😁 

SNOW: Day 23-💯 days of JOY


Yes, many people hate snow and many have seen enough of it this season. I, for one, love snow and our little neck of the woods hasn’t had much of it this winter. Therefore, today I rejoiced to drive through snow (though thankful it wasn’t treacherous), and tonight, it covers our street and cars and twinkles where the streetlight hits it. The sky is aglow with it, and I feel joy. 

Something everyone needs: 💯 days of JOY-day 22


No matter our station in life, our age, race, career or financial status, we all need good, uplifting, beautiful, and true experiences that propel us above the day-to-dayness and inevitable sorrows of life. We can never “arrive” at such a place in our lives that we don’t need the joy that is created in our hearts by all the wonderful stuff of life, from the simple to the extraordinary. 

As far as my part in this joy-finding quest, I am wanting to share my daily findings with everyone in hopes that someone will be inspired to become more intentional in purposefully looking for joy in their lives. Perhaps if we all focused on joys, looking for small rays of light on the very darkest of days, even seeing how the very sad times can still be redeemed with “laughter through tears”, then the tough parts of our daily lives wouldn’t be as hard and maybe the world would become brighter overall …. at work, in our homes, schools, on vacation, even in the great halls of government and religion. 

So, won’t you consider joining me in the journey towards joy?

Working a plan: Day 20-💯 days of JOY


There are days that are mostly good, and for that I am thankful. I’ve been figuring out a more disciplined approach to my life in hopes of managing my anxiety better, naturally, and also trying to tackle a very busy season of transition. 

Today, joy hit me in the form of excitement for this plan, this method, I’m trying to learn and follow. That might sound crazy to some, but for me, it is filling me with a greater sense of calm and fueling my intent to trust God in all things, especially the big stuff of life. This is helping me to live each day, to be present in the moment, tackling only what is appointed to the day. The big picture is laid out , but it has been released to God. My responsibility is to do what is needed from me for each day. 

It’s new and in process , yet I feel hopeful and a great sense of joy. 

Day 19 of 💯 days of JOY is for my sons


Today was an all around good day for a number of reasons; however, joy burst forth for me twice today because of the actions of my sons. 

My middle son shared with us today about feeling moved in his spirit because of a speaker that he heard on child trafficking today.  He’s already pursuing becoming a counselor. Now, his heart feels he might be purposed to counsel children. He asked for pray for direction and guidance in this. 

I’m already proud of him and who he is becoming, the choices he is making and how he is following Jesus. This simply reminded me of how excited I am to see God at work in the life of my son and to witness the Spirit shaping and transforming him to be the man God intended him to be from the start. 

Then, my older son called my daughter to invite her to join him for a concert. He got free tickets and thought of her, knew she would have a blast. 

That’s so him!  He’s giving, cares passionately for family, even when he argues with you. He’s spontaneous and fun, and he’s living life to the full as a grad student about to take on the world as a teacher, following his heart, his skills, his calling. 

Again, my heart was leaping with joy. How good it is for a parent to have the privilege of watching their children be who they were meant to be!!!

18 days in 💯 days of JOY


This looking for joy everyday is really about looking for all the ways God shows up in my life, all the ways He is Immanuel, God with us, all the time. I know I don’t truly realize all the God moments in my life, nor am I fully aware of His presence and work in my life at every minute in my day. However, the more purposeful I am in looking for joy, the more aware I am of God’s presence and His love for me. 

My hope is that my focus will grow and that my concentration on God will overcome all the stuff this world throws at me, to the point that the negative junk just becomes secondary , barely noticeable. This might take a lot longer than 100 days, yet, I am hopeful. Do you want to join me in this challenge to find joy in every day?

💯 days of JOY – 17


Community….there is a deep sense of joy in me that is there because of having lived in this small town for almost 18 years. I was reminded of this tonight at a high school girls’ basketball game. I have such gladness in my heart that we raised our kids here and kept them in a stable home all these years. 

We will be moving later this year, and we feel ready in our spirits. Yet, this community will always be a part of us. That joy will forever remain. 

Simple things: Day 16-💯 days of JOY


l sat on the porch and sewed up a hole in my daughter’s sweater today. It’s January, for crying out loud!  I am one who actually loves snow, and I feel anxious about winter not lasting past December. For whatever reason , I psychologically need a full four seasons each year. 

However, it did feel lovely to sit on the porch and sew. It reminded me of my parents and what they taught me. I don’t have great skills at many handy homemaking tasks, but they taught me the basics, enough to be able to figure things out for myself much of the time. 

For that, I am so very grateful. My parents and family were far from perfect, but I did know I was loved, and both mom and dad valued learning and taught me a little about a lot of things. 

Dad taught me to check all my fluids in my car and how to take your time while winding up a long extension cord after working in the yard. Mom taught me how to sew on a button and mend a hole, as well as basic medical knowledge. They taught me how to think through things logically and what to do in a crisis. 

Life was simpler then, and sitting on the porch in my rocker, sewing, reminded me of it all, and I remembered my growing up years with joy.