Much has changed since I last updated this about section.  I’m now a grandmother and two of my adult children are married.  All three of my children are thriving in their lives, and my husband and I are finally, mostly, empty nesters.  I’ve completed all my necessary requirements for being a certified professional life coach, CPLC, through Professional Christian Coaches Institute, and I work as a Wellbeing and Goals Coach at Restoring Hope Counseling and Coaching.  I’m also still a writer, speaker, consultant, and sometimes a teacher, as well as seeing some clients on my own outside of my official work capacity.  My greatest purpose remains to help others grow and become who God intended them to be, to be present with others and hold space for them no matter where they are in their journey, and to offer support, inspiration and encouragement whenever and in whatever form I am given the opportunity to do so.

2 responses »

    • Yay Cindy! Glad to have you join me. If you want to continue on a more personal level, go to the dropdown menu, under the About tab, and choose “Pieces Coaching”. Otherwise, just look for my posts here about once a week. Blessings and prayers, Tara


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