Monthly Archives: September 2017

The JOY continues


I’ve not written much the last few months since I completed my 💯 days of JOY series. There’s been so much in my life with two graduations, selling our home, buying a home, finding jobs, moving, settling in, helping our son move, our daughter transitioning from the only town and friends she’s ever known, getting a puppy and the normal stuff of birthdays, family and friend times, and summer/college transitions for our other son.  Whew! It’s no wonder I haven’t felt much like writing!!

I’m now beginning to feel more “normal”….finding new routines and such. I’m ready to be more intentional in creating and establishing new disciplines that will continue to move me forward in my life. 

I began a purposeful journey about 3 years ago with the intent of finding greater life balance by my 50th birthday. Well, I turn 50 next month, and I do feel I’ve made much progress in my quest for holistic life balance.  Yet, one area is still lagging behind the others. 

My approach to life balance is based on Jesus’ example found in the Gospels.  He is the best example we have of living s balanced life. When studying His life, I find 6 areas that make up His humanity: mental, spiritual, emotional, physical, vocational, and social. These areas have been my focus in my pursuit for holistic life balance. 

A couple of these areas are natural strengths for me while I have to be more intentional in several of the areas. My most challenging area is physical. Because of this being such a weakness in my life, I didn’t give it as much effort in the last year as I was facing so much change in every other area. 

My new desire is to give my physical needs and weaknesses attention in this 50th year of my life. I want to move towards consistent health and wellness by exercising regularly, wisely, and purposefully as well as by seeking medical help for some chronic issues I’ve been experiencing. Finally, I want to sincerely address lifestyle changes in my eating that will lead to hopefully losing 50 lbs. 

Therefore, with all this in mind , I share this here in hopes to inspire, support, encourage any who might read it, but also because this serves as a place for me to find accountability. I will share more as I decide on my methods and short term goals that can help me begin to reach towards my long term goals. Ultimately, I hope to pursue more and more joy in all of this, for myself as well as for others.