Monthly Archives: April 2024

Taking in each moment


I’ve been thinking on the idea of living sacramentally in each moment of life, all the big and little happenings each day. As a part of my focus, I’ve been using a book each morning called Every Moment Holy, given to me by such a dear and precious soul in my life, the daughter of some of our best friends.

I consider her gifting this to me as a holy moment and reading it each morning is only increasing my joy in the thought of it. What does it mean to learn to live in such a way that every little instance of life is approached as sacred ? I’m beginning to see more through our Father’s eyes in this process, and the way I’m finding to move forward involves allowing a pause to flutter into my mind that challenges me to be aware of God’s presence at every turn.

This, in turn, causes me to try to perceive each moment with God present and believing that whatever is happening is precious and priceless in some way because the love of God is wrapped up as a part of it. The good and the bad, the ups and downs, each moment filled with God is sacred, set apart, to be honored as holy no matter what is occurring in that point in time.

Trying to conceive of this perspective is not always easy, and it is beyond the idea of practicing being present in the present. It’s a journey and I think I’m just at the start of it, but I do believe it will be so incredibly worth it.