Monthly Archives: February 2014

Hanging on through changes….


Life isn’t often what we expect.  At it’s best, life is a journey through the slightly rolling hills of mid-Ohio.  When life it at it’s worst, the trek becomes more like hiking through the Rocky Mountains or the Grand Canyon.  Most of the time, the ups and downs, curves and twists of the WV hills are more descriptive of our life’s excursions.

Lately, I’ve been feeling the need for some flatlands, a rest at the beach would be ideal.  There have been too many ups and downs, twists and turns that have kept me overly spent on adrenalin in this last year or so.  It’s time for rest in order to re-charge.  However, life’s transition times don’t always offer us that respite.  I’m reminded, though, that God is our refuge, our rest, our rescue in all of life, especially in the seemingly unending mountainess adventures.

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:7-9

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Psalm 46:1-3

Still learning to trust and to rest…


January was quite a month.  The weather was the wildest I’ve seen in years, and still it continues into this first week of February.  So, our family routine has not been re-established since before Christmas break.  My oldest son was gone for 3 weeks to Central America, teaching for his diversity field experience, but he has safely returned.  I thought this would set us back on track for finding our routine, particularly since my middle son started back into his post-secondary classes yesterday, after getting to sleep in all of January.  However, now we have a new break for our routine….my husband is recovering from gall bladder surgery.  Thankfully, the problem was caught in time, before he developed an infection or pancreatitis or whatever….  So, he has a week to recuperate….and we are expecting another snowstorm tonight….then, I’m supposed to start a new part-time job tomorrow…my oldest son’s car battery died, and we are still trying to get back on track with finances after Christmas and changes in my unemployment payments.

In the midst of all this “out of the ordinariness”, God is stable; He is faithful; we can depend on Him.  He is forever teaching me that I can trust in Him.  He is so patient with me when I am struck with the anxieties of my humanity.  His words and kind, compassionate, and calm….telling me He’s got this, and this other thing, and all the disruptive disturbances to our “routine”.  Somehow, I continue to have those moments when I’m fearful for one reason or another, but over the years, the voice inside that tells me all will be okay has grown stronger and I find a peace in the midst of the uncertainties.  This is all a piece of the puzzle God is making of my life, and I am so thankful for the design of His hands that makes something beautiful out of confusion.