Monthly Archives: August 2018

Time for change….


Summer is over in my corner of the world. All of us in my family are back in school in some way or another (me, my oldest and my husband teaching , my middle and his fiancé at IWU and my youngest completing her online courses). I confess that I’m eager for the summer heat to be over as well!

For the last 20 years, Fall has been a busy time for me, sometimes chaotic.  I think it started when my oldest first went to kindergarten.  The many years since have continued to be organized around the school year, with my children’s schooling as well as with my husband and I both teaching college courses most of those years.  However, no matter the chaos, Fall is my favorite time of year.

Currently, I do have a lot going on, some of which is just beginning and some that has been routine for a while.  I’m carrying extra jobs in attempts to help our family pay some bills that accumulated with our moving process and transition the last two years.  I’m also still in the midst of my 50th year focus on physical transformation in my life.  The added stress of my work life is causing some distraction for me, but I’m determined to continue on the course of seeking true inner change that translates outwardly for my physical appearance and overall health.

That being said, I can safely now confirm that I’ve lost 20 lbs. since the first part of May.  I do feel better as a result of this.  I also feel better in the sense that I can tell my thinking about food has been changing, as I’ve sought out some extra helps with inner healing of childhood habits by incorporating EFT(emotional freedom techniques) into my weekly routine.  This has been an open door for God to work in even deeper ways to transform me (not saying He’s finished, at all….just confirming I know He’s at work and I’m allowing His work in me).

Here are some truths I’ve been coming to accept and embrace:

🔰I feel better when I’m not eating

🔰My blood pressure and heart rate are better when I’m not eating

🔰It doesn’t take much to fill me up when I haven’t been eating

🔰Watching TV makes me want to eat more

🔰chewing gum does help me not to eat

🔰I need to accept permanent change because I have been very unhealthy and can’t return to how I was

🔰I can go longer without bread and chocolate than I thought I could

🔰I don’t get as hot when I’m not eating

🔰I might end up only eating one real meal each day

🔰I’m praying for how to live going forward

🔰protein, with fat, seems to be what gets me through the times I’m drawn to eating

🔰dairy does cause me issues, particularly white milk and white cheese; it spikes my blood sugar

So, as I say goodbye to a fun-filled, busy Summer and get into the routine of what promises to be the typical chaotic Fall, I’m wanting to hold fast to these truths I’ve been learning and remain open to new truths God has for me in this season, the literal season, and in my season of life….