The end of a season


Fall is over, for the most part. The leaves have mostly made it to the ground, and the temperatures have turned into winter, even though winter doesn’t technically begin for about 3 more weeks.

In my life, this time of year also brings the ending of birthday season in our family. From September 24 to November 21, we have 7 birthdays in my immediate little family, plus about 10 in the next layer out of siblings, nieces, nephews, etc. It goes without saying that fall is extremely busy in my life, and it always has been, yet, it’s my favorite time of the year.

Fall ends at the close of Thanksgiving weekend, in my heart and mind, as the culmination of all that fall represents is the crux of Thanksgiving time for me. The contemplation of all that I have for which to be thankful is enriched throughout those days of September, October and November. Walks in the woods, attending apple picking and pumpkin farms, celebrating all those lives on their birthdays come together in a huge heart for gratitude as family gather in to cook, eat, clean, and visit together on Thanksgiving Day.

This year, Autumn was also filled with milestones for my first granddaughter. Watching her grow and learn has enthralled me and poured into my heart all the more thankfulness. We also had difficult days this season, as we watched one of our dearest loved ones traverse the unexpected loss of his mom, and then as our son and daughter-in-law moved 7 hours away. Amidst the mountaintop memories we made doing all the family fun things, including the wedding of my cousin’s son, we experienced the valleys of sorrow, sadness, and loss.

Yet, as I reflect today, before putting up our Christmas tree tonight, I’m reminded that this is what truly living is all about – the high highs and the low lows. If “the glory of God is man fully alive”, as St Irenaeus is quoted to say (albeit that this is called into question as to its authenticity), then I can say for certain that I have felt very alive this fall, and for that my heart again wells with appreciation and gratefulness. At 56 years old, I’m well aware that the blessing of growing old is not something that everyone experiences, and I am growing ever more aware of that blessing with each passing season. It is this awareness that brings me to say that I see God’s glory in all of my ups and downs this fall, and for all of this, I am most thankful.

Thank you God for a glorious, golden autumn filled with all that life has to offer!

About Tara Lea

I'm a mom and wife first and foremost. I offer Life Coaching as well as speaking for large and small groups, while writing and teaching as opportunities become available. Writing, speaking, teaching, and coaching are my means for fulfilling my life calling of helping others fit together the pieces of their lives so they can move closer to becoming all God means for them to be.

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